Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Random thoughts of a non-morning person

This morning my alarm went off and it was playing a song and I was in that state of half asleep, half awake where the song became part of a crazy dream I was having so I couldn't tell if it was my alarm or something else. I was laying there trying to decide and realizing I don't really like the song and thought I'll roll over to look at my alarm and smack down the snooze button ... then determined I couldn't roll over for some reason. I just laid there on my stomach thinking about it for what felt like a long time but was probably a few seconds then all of a sudden I remembered where I put my Zyrtec that I take for allergies!
Last night I was chatting with some friends and was like "If you were my Zyrtec where would you be?" because I couldn't find it, I didn't get much help but did get Jean to realize that she is supposed to refrigerate one of the vitamin type things she gave me for stomach issues :)

So I got up and sure enough it was in one of my spring purses in the bottom of my closet in the tote that I store some of my purses in. I think this was the first morning I was actually up and moving around without having hit my snooze button too..yet I still made it into work with 1 minute to spare :)

I guess the moral of this story is to go to bed earlier ... but we all know that won't happen =)

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