Sunday, January 15, 2006

Grocery Shopping

I am not a big fan of grocery shopping and I try to put it off as long as I can because of it. I don't like the crowds, the having to haul the bags out to the car, put them in the car, walk a few miles to find a cart corral, then get back to the car and once home haul the bags from the car up the stairs to the house and then unload them. And did I mention the crowds and how something always ends up not ringing up correctly?

Last night I had to go grocery shopping and I was planning to do it prior to going to Dawnn's house for Stephanie's crop but since I slept in so late I didn't have a chance so I thought I would go after the crop. I am at the grocery store at midnight shopping which was not bad, not many crowds, rather peaceful. I also don't shop with a list, if I have a list it just sits in my hand and I forget to look at it. And I am always certain to forget something. Last night I think I got it all.

I go down the cereal aisle as I need another box of Yogurt Burst Strawberry Cheerio's (see prior posting about Cheerio's if you don't know anything about this) and there is no strawberry. All they have is the Vanilla. I stood there a moment and contemplated the Vanilla which I have not tried yet because I'm so stuck on Strawberry. After a few minutes I decided to be a big girl and try something new so I got Vanilla. I haven't opened the box yet but I will tomorrow morning when I bring some to work. I'll let you know what I decide ... vanilla or strawberry :)

1 comment:

~D~ said...

oh oh oh i love them both!!!