Saturday, April 28, 2007

An open letter to all cats

You.will.not.starve. if you can see the bottom of your dish. Yes, I am aware that I just filled your dish up last night with the last of the cat food. Yes, I have more cat food and it's in the trunk of my car. Maybe if you didn't eat so much I wouldn't have to buy really big bags and then leave it in the car because it's too hard to carry in with tons of other things.

It is also not acceptable to try and wake up your owner at 8am on a Saturday morning when she has a chance to sleep in to let her know that you did not ration your food for the night and ate it all in a panic.

Once again,

Staring at me is not going to make me go get that food any quicker for you. Once you let me wake up and get some caffine I will most likely go and get your cat food but I do ask that you don't try and escape into the hallway when I try to open the door to bring the food in. This is not a smart move on your part. You know who you are, Willow.



agent713 said...

And this, is why I don't have pets :D

~dawn~ said...

8am, I'd *love* 8am. Try 5:30. That's what time Boo starts kneeding the pillow next to my head, swishing her tail and whiskers in my face.....