Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A couple of vents

I have severe cramps to the point of contemplating getting my parts removed and forfeiting having children just to make them go away.

I had to go to the post office this morning.

Disclaimers over ... if you are still reading you must be used to me or not too *skeered* of what's going on.
I knew *it* was going to start and am used to cramps but never to this magnitude. I have never taken a sick day from work because of this problem but actually thought about it this morning. I took some asprin and stocked up the asprin and supplies and came to work. Thankfully my awesome co worker and friend Dawnn had sympathy for me and gave me one of those Thermacare heat pads to try ... so far so good. I am feeling kinda toasty warm so we will see how well this works.

I went to the post office this morning to FINALLY mail my swap borders, 2 albums for 2 trades and the pictures from home I've been sitting on. I knew prices had gone up ... but didn't expect that 1 album with no pages! would be $7.00 to send parcel post, and the other album with pages was $13.00 to send!!!!!!!!! I about died right there in the post office. I was so mad but had no choice because I had to get them out so I did it but have sworn to never ever mail stuff again. I know this will not happen but hey it sounded good at 7:45 this morning!!!! And to think I got out of bed early for that!

Update on the heat pad ... I can really feel it now ... if you want to come touch my belly it's really hot! and not that kind of hot! *lol*

Here's wishin ya'll a better cramp free day!


~D~ said...

I am super glad I could help *belly rubs* I also have motrin over here if you want that instead of asprin..
hugs honey!

agent713 said...

Okay twin. I SOOOOO did not need to read this today. Guess who decided to show up at lunch for me? Yep, Aunt Flo. Thankfully, so far, she's quietly doing her thing without making her presence known. If she decides to be annoying, I've got some Midol waiting :)

BTW I often take sick days to deal with times like these. They are also sanity days. It was the ONLY excuse my mother would let me use in school. If I was sick, I had to go. If I had cramps, I could stay home :)

Hope you feel better soon!!! ::hugs::


Pamela Lynn ~ flutterby7 said...

Aww, Emmy... I hope they are better soon... I should own stock in those thermacare heat things... Just love them... the make life bareable.

agent713 said...

EMMMMMYYYYYYYY Can I borrow your heater thingy??? Please? I'm dying here :(
~Heidi...popping her third round of midol...