Saturday, January 07, 2006

Some people's cats ...

I love my furry child Abbie alot but right now she's working the nerves. Saturday mornings I sleep in, on a good morning until 10 or 11am. This morning she decides no not going to happen and wakes me up at 7:45. (I didn't get home until 3 from Dawnn's and stayed up till after 4 to read) so I was not pleased. I tried to ignore her but she's too smart for that and jumps up and stands on my hip as I'm laying on my side and howls. For a 7 pound cat she's got lungs! So I sit up and talk to her, soon as I do this she turns into nice sweet Abbie again and starts purring and "talking" in her little cat chatter and then jumps down and fetches a toy and brings it up. She wants to play.

I'm sorry but I don't get the luxury of sleeping 18-20 hours a day like she does. I finally threw her the toy - and still being half asleep forget she fetches - and I lay down and back comes the toy. I finally took the toy and shoved it under my pillow and turned away and pulled the blanket over my head and ignored her. After about 10 minutes I heard her jump down and run out into the living room and play with her plastic donut toy - very noisily. I finally gave up and got up just before 9.

I don't think she has taken a nap all day! Right now she's running around playing with her plastic ball with the bell in it. A few minutes before that she had a mouse ...

I know most parents wish their kids would take naps and are exhausted ... is it wrong to be exhausted wishing your cat would take a nap?


~D~ said...

LOL Abbie sounds like Skye!

Kaye said...

LOL!! I have one that likes to sit on my head and yell at me in the morning until I let her under the covers to snuggle.

Emmy said...

How funny! don't you love cats and their zaniness?